Tag Archives: one thing at a time

Hitting Snags and Getting Momentum Back

I seem to have lost some of my motivation the last couple of weeks. I don’t know whether the school holidays threw me off and I’ve found it hard to get momentum back because of that, or the fact that it’s been a busy week with the kids (in particular boy wonder’s school production has made this last week more hectic than usual, not to mention having to do a heap of paperwork for our new workers).In any case, I’m falling behind on my schedule with two rooms that I’ve barely started (boy wonder’s and the master bedroom). I also realised I forgot to include our spare room (aka shove-everything-in-there-that-doesn’t-have-a-home room) on my schedule!

So I’ve had to revise my schedule a bit, adding in a week for the spare room and another extra week for the master bedroom and catching up. I figure I can always close the doors to those rooms for boy wonder’s birthday party, but I’d really like the whole house done by Christmas.

Another snag I’ve hit is with upkeep. I think once the house is completely done it will be easier to have a routine in this regard, but in the meantime I’m finding it hard to keep up with tidying the rooms I’ve already finished, while attacking the next room on the list. In general, I think the house is neater than it used to be, but still failing a bit. I’ve been trying to keep on the kids about taking their toys back to their rooms, but they still creep out and hide behind lounge room chairs and under the dining room table. The dining table is still a magnet for clutter, particularly papers, though I’m trying to clear it once a week. And of course, dishes are a constant bane to me. I’m loading the dishwasher once a day, which I was already in the habit of doing, but I’m still finding myself putting off doing the frying pan and oven pans.

My aim for the coming week is to try to get momentum going again. It’s going to be tough, because our bedroom is the one I always put off doing. It’s as much a room to shove things as our spare room, plus it doubles as our home office and I am dreading going through all our paperwork.

How to get my momentum back:

Get my music going again. I’ve found it to really help having my favourite music playing in the background with previous rooms, but have missed it while my computer has been out of action.

Relish in ticking off items on my list. Finish items completely so I can tick it off and feel like I am making progress.

Just do one thing at a time so I don’t feel overwhelmed. Looking at our room as a whole is really putting me off, I need to just focus on getting each part done, one at a time, eg: start with the bookshelf (since my love of books will make that task the most enjoyable).

Wish me luck!


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Posted by on October 20, 2012 in Confession Time


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