In the Pantry (part 4)

01 Aug

No. of times up during the night: 3 x feeding bubs

Rise and shine: 7.00am

Chocolate consumed: a couple of handfuls of maltesers (I’ve been doing well with the chocolate consumption lately 😀 )

Toilet timeouts: 0

On the menu:  Cheesy potato and bacon soup with cheesy garlic bread.

All kids in bed by: 7.30pm

My bedtime: 9.30pm

Today I…

Washed wet bedding, took the princess to the doctor, went shopping, made a dent folding some of the washing in Mount Washpile.

In the Pantry

Today I’m sharing shelf 4 in my newly organised pantry as part of day 5 of 31 Days to an Organised Home.


Shelf four is mostly dedicated to my cooking supplies, however, in my chaotic pantry it was at the stage where I had to rummage around to find the ingredients I needed. If you look at the before picture, you can’t see any of my cooking supplies at all (apart from some cake mix boxes) as they are so hidden behind everything else.


This is actually my favourite shelf. I love how everything is so accessible and easy to locate now. Here’s the breakdown:

– All my cake decorating bits, like food dye and birthday candles (which were previously in an ice cream container or scattered throughout my pantry) are now in a labelled white basket.

– That horrible inaccessible corner is great for stacking up my cake mixes.

*THRIFTY TIP* Washed out coffee jars (or jam jars) make great storage containers.

*THRIFTY TIP* I’ve made labels by cutting out the names from their packaging. For the custard I also made sure to cut out the instructions and taped them to the back of the jar.

*HANDY TIP* I used a couple of egg cartons taped together to lift the jars at the back, making them easier to see. I’ll probably end up covering them in white paper to look a bit nicer (you can see part of them through the breadcrumbs jar).

– Before I had the aluminium foil, baking paper and cling wrap stacked up on one side, but it wasn’t a very good system as I had to remove the ones on top to get to the one at the bottom and they were always falling down. Now they sit at the front of the shelf and are sooo much easier to access.

– The eggs were also a pain to access before. They were also stacked up (in egg cartons) on the side. I had to reach past so many things to get to them and I was always worried about the eggs falling out of the carton as I grabbed it. The eggs are now also at the front. I decided to have them in a basket instead of in their cartons as it solves the problem of having cartons stacked on top of one another and it also looks a lot nicer. Plus I had the basket sitting around not being used, so why not use it?

– Herbs and spices that didn’t fit in my spice rack, as well as stock cubes and other small cooking bits and pieces, are stored in a couple of shallow baskets.

The last shelf is still incomplete, but I should hopefully have it finished for the next post (a LOT of junk was stored up on the top shelf out of sight). Then I’ll finally be moving onto day 6: organising my kitchen. This is already looking like a big project!

In the Pantry Part 1

In the Pantry Part 2

In the Pantry Part 3

In the Pantry Part 5


Posted by on August 1, 2012 in Getting Organised, In the Kitchen


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4 responses to “In the Pantry (part 4)

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